Museum of Archeology Khujand

Museum of Archeology Khujand

Explore the history of Tajikistan, immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of traditional and Asian works and discover the largest permanent collection of Tajikistan right in the heart of Khujand City.

The modern building of a museum simulates only external shape of a medieval fortress. The basic part of collection funds is made with archeologic collections and the funds received during works in the territory of Khudjand of North-Tadjik archeologic complex expedition AN Tajikistan SSR in 1954 – 1986.The exposition represents a life of the population of a fortress to the most various epoch, since the period of its construction in VI – V centuries BC. The exposition represents a life of the population of a fortress to the most various epoch, since the period of its construction in VI – V centuries BC. The part of an exposition is devoted to the medieval history of a fortress. It tells about culture and employment of city dwellers, representing samples of medieval ceramics and utensils, fragments of decorative elements of architectural constructions, glass products, and tomb monuments with inscriptions.