30 Powerful Womens Recovery Memoirs to Inspire Your Own Journey

30 Powerful Womens Recovery Memoirs to Inspire Your Own Journey

The first 100 pages blew my mind and I found myself getting excited to read another chapter of this book every night before going to sleep. With intensity and repetition, I’ve also turned certain yoga poses into automatic initiators of a rush of feel-good chemicals. At best, going to bed with a bottle of wine will make you wake up feeling dry-mouthed and stupid. Going to bed with a book will tire your eyes naturally, ease your subconscious tension, and fill your mind with endless possibilities. For every parent riddled with guilt, for anyone waking up in the shame cave , for every person who has had a messy struggle forward towards redemption… this book is for you.

  • 1 author pickedA House Is a Bodyas one of their favorite books, and they sharewhy you should read it.
  • Written for those of us who struggle with codependency, these daily meditations offer growth and renewal, and remind us that the best thing we can do is take responsibility for our own self-care.
  • I did many things I am deeply ashamed of, and reading her book taught me that I am not alone.
  • Hepola narrates honestly and with humor about a very serious topic, as well as recounting the struggles she had with food which she then used as a substitute in early sobriety.
  • When Trauma and Recovery was first published in 1992, it was hailed as a groundbreaking work.
  • This is an excellent starting book for anyone who’s serious about getting fit.

As the supplements kicked in and my mind became sharper, I moved on to books that offered specific strategies for improving my health and quality of life. Science cannot presently explain why some people experience severe physical addiction, even DTs, and proceed to drink “socially” later in life. Mainstream programs often write these people off as “not real alcoholics,” but this is a dogmatic categorization that often fails to account for real physical dependence at an earlier stage of life. This book was written to help mankind avert totalitarianism, and you will probably not enjoy it if you care little for philosophy or history. However, I found that it offered subtle applications for combating groupthink of any kind.

The Recovering by Leslie Jamison

By addressing causes rather than symptoms, it is framed as a permanent solution rather than lifetime struggle. It removes the psychological dependence; allowing you to easily drink less . Sarah’s writing is sharp and relatable; a more recent, modern voice in the recovery space. So many of us look at “blacking out” as benign, or normal—an indicator of a “successful” night of drinking.

Challenging both the idea of the addict’s “broken brain” and the notion of a simple “addictive personality,” Unbroken Brain offers a radical and groundbreaking… A year that started with her quitting booze and then being… With updated and expanded concepts and a focus on the spiritual…

Unbroken Brain

Cupcake survives thanks to a furious wit and an unyielding determination. After getting sober, Allen devoted her life to recovery, and her memoir explores the life she lived through to get to where she is today. After returning to the states after his tour in Iraq, he and his best alcohol recovery books girlfriend become addicted to heroin. Brown identifies ten“guideposts”in wholehearted people’s lives. This is not a long book, but it does cover how to be happy with ourselves. She also explores new approaches to treatment, including the LEAD program in Washington State.

She accurately describes this as the lethal territory where you are so drunk that your brain stops recording memories – you may be walking and talking and doing things, but you will have no memory of them the next day. Hepola narrates honestly and with humor about a very serious topic, as well as recounting the struggles she had with food which she then used as a substitute in early sobriety. Readers will be grateful that she managed to generate enough material from her blackouts to create this compelling story for us to listen to. Catherine Gray’s second sobriety memoir, Sunshine Warm Sober follows the story of her sober life as well as the joy which she has found within it.

Best Books Related to Healing and Mental Health

There is a fundamental opportunity for happiness right within our reach, yet we usually miss it—ironically while we are caught up in attempts to escape pain and suffering. Drawn from traditional Buddhist wisdom, Pema Chödrön’s radical and compassionate advice for what to do when things fall apart in our lives goes against the grain of our usual habits and expectations. It is there, in the midst of chaos, that we can discover the truth and love that are indestructible. For many of us, feelings of deficiency are right around the corner. It doesn’t take much–just hearing of someone else’s accomplishments, being criticized, getting into an argument, making a mistake at work–to make us feel that we are not okay. Beginning to understand how our lives have become ensnared in this trance of unworthiness is our first step toward reconnecting with who we really are and what it means to live fully.

best alcohol recovery books
