How to Live a More Meaningful + Fulfilling Life: Step-By-Step Cake Blog

How to Live a More Meaningful + Fulfilling Life: Step-By-Step Cake Blog

Eudaimonia is focused on what specifically forms experiences in life that make life worth living. Meanwhile, significance is focused on understanding the experience of a life worth living. Finally, a distinguishable source of nihilism concerns the
ontological, as distinct from axiological, preconditions for meaning
in life. Perhaps most radically, there are those who deny that we have

Furthermore, recognize that as an older adult, you can offer a great deal to your community. You have lived through numerous life experiences, career/professional/vocational decisions, and family decisions. You have a wealth of knowledge that you can share with your community. Not only do they help us find meaning in our lives, but older adults who do have a ‘passion’ also score higher on measures of psychological wellbeing. They report higher life satisfaction, better health, more meaning in their lives, and lower anxiety and lower depression than adults without a passion (Rosseau & Vallerand, 2003, as cited in Vallerand, 2012).

One strategy for unblocking projects where you’re making no progress is called ‘concept matching’

Each stumble presents an opportunity to learn, adapt and emerge even stronger. Learn more about life multipliers and how to live a full life here. If you strive to make sense of life, you may desire to live a coherent life and try to eliminate the uncertainty of life. Another example could be excelling in your career and working hard to your greatest potential. Although there’s a fine balance between achieving your greatest potential and burnout, working hard to add value and not just work for a paycheck gives value to both the organization and makes your life feel more worthwhile from a career perspective. Natural Pantheism dates back to 1675 by Baruch Spinoza, who referenced the philosophy in their book “Ethics” This philosophy believes that God is in everything, so all life itself is interconnected.

The length of your life may not be within your control but the quality of your life certainly is. You can choose to live a life where you just take from the world or you can choose to live a meaningful life where you make a positive contribution and spread positivity. Most people would like to leave some form of positive legacy where people can remember them fondly for the difference they made. If you are one of those people, you can start that legacy; by choosing to live a meaningful life from this day on.

17 Meaning & Valued Living Exercises

Another recent and
interesting criticism is that the major motivations for the claim that
nothing matters now if one day it will end are incoherent (Greene
2021). The most influential God-based account of meaning in life has been the
extreme view that one’s existence is significant if and only if
one fulfills a purpose God has assigned. The familiar how to create meaning in life idea is that God
has a plan for the universe and that one’s life is meaningful
just to the degree that one helps God realize this plan, perhaps in a
particular way that God wants one to do so. If a person failed to do
what God intends her to do with her life (or if God does not even
exist), then, on the current view, her life would be meaningless.

  • You can choose to live a life where you just take from the world or you can choose to live a meaningful life where you make a positive contribution and spread positivity.
  • Humans may ponder the question “what is the meaning of life” for a variety of reasons.

Wide-ranging meta-ethical debates in
epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of language are
necessary to address this rationale for subjectivism. When it comes to finding meaning, it helps to try to pull particularly relevant experiences in our lives into a coherent narrative that defines our identity. People who describe their lives as meaningful tend to have redemptive stories where they overcame something negative, and to emphasize growth, communion with others, and personal agency. Laura Kray and colleagues found that asking people to consider paths not taken in life and the consequences of those choices imbued experiences with more meaning. When we have long-term goals in life that reflect our values and serve the greater good, we tend to imbue our activities with more meaning. Researcher Adam Grant has found that professions focused on helping others—teachers, surgeons, clergy, and therapists—all tend to rate their jobs as more meaningful, and that people who imbue their work with purpose are more dedicated to their jobs.
