Chilu Chor Chashma

Chilu Chor Chashma

There, right at the foot of a small hill in the midst of the heated desert, five large water springs break into 39 smaller ones. All springs merging form a 12-13 m channel inhabited by a plenty of fish.

Chilu Chor Chashma (“44 springs”) is located 12 km from Shahrituz village and is widely known in Tajikistan.
There, right at the foot of a small hill in the midst of the heated desert, five large water springs break into 39 smaller ones. All springs merging form a 12-13 m channel inhabited by a plenty of fish.
As a legend goes the holy caliph Ali having seen the dried up river Romit reached Chilu Chor Chashma and asked the Allah for some water. At this, he struck the foot of a nearby hill with his hand and five purest springs gushed from the five holes made by his fingertips.
Chilu Chor Chashma is the site pilgrimages. People visiting this place say prayers, perform ablutions, sacrifices, bathe themselves in the sources. The water of the 17 sources is believed to be curative. Each of them has its own name and curative properties:
Ashmai muin – prevents hair loss;
Khuni Bini – stops nose bleeding;
Chashmai Mohron, Khunukzadagon – cures of snake bites and inflammations;
Ustukhondard – helps to cure bones diseases;
Tablarza – cures malaria;
Shifo – medicinal;
Fishori Khun – good for hypertonia;
Sardard – relieves a headache;
Peskho – cures psoriasis;
Murod – is good for depression;
Befarzand – cures infertility;
Gurda – good for kidneys;
Dilu Chigar – cures diseases of heart and liver;
Devonakho – treats mental diseases;
Chashma Gush – cures eyes and ears;
Khorish – cures scabies.
On the territory of Chilu Chor Chashma there is also a small hill with a small mausoleum on top. According to the legend there the holy Kambar Bobo, who was the warden of caliph Ali’s stable, was buried.. There are four more graves of the holy men whose names are unknown.